How long does it take to prepare a speech?

There's a lie being perpetuated. And I'm 100% certain that it does not benefit you.

That lie is this: in order to present something good to the public, it has to take a lot of work and a lot of time. 

It simply isn’t true.

Last week, I had the opportunity to direct a reading* of an incredibly intense and difficult play for Artists Repertory Theatre, and it was my job to rehearse, direct, and be ready for an audience in 10 hours of rehearsal time spread over just two days. 

Now here’s the thing. I’ve directed a ton of these kinds of presentations before. And when I was younger and much less experienced, I made a ton of mistakes. I overcomplicated the staging, spent too long on making it look cool instead of on the text, and I didn’t trust the audience’s ability to imagine things nearly enough. Back in the day, 10 hours wasn’t nearly enough time.

But now, I’ve got 2 decades of experience under my belt. So our short rehearsal process felt luxurious.

I knew exactly how much direction to give, what sections needed special focus, and what to let go of.

It was a calm and joyful room as we worked through this text, knowing that our job was to communicate this text to our audience in a way that respected their intelligence. For the actors to connect with the core message of the play and each other. To leave the fancy trappings at the door and focus only on what was most important.

And the audience loved it. A standing ovation for a reading of a play is almost unheard of, but stand they did.

Are you ready to get some expert coaching from someone who can help you get your speech done and ready in just a handful of hours? Then I think you’re likely ready for my Polished Presenter VIP Day.  Check it out and let’s connect.

Because speaking well doesn’t have to be hard.

PS. Have questions about whether this VIP Day is right for you? Set up a quick call and let’s figure it out.

*In the theater, a “reading” is a presentation of a play where the actors hold their scripts and there’s minimal staging. 


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