Boost Your Vocal Power in 1 Minute

The power and clarity of your voice is one of your most important tools. But even experienced speakers deal with vocal fatigue or anxiety sometimes (🙋🏻‍♀️). The good news is you can tap into an easy 60-second warmup called "horse breath" to get your voice ready for presentations, video calls, or speeches. 🎤

Horse breath is a quick and simple way to warm up your vocal cords before you speak. Here's how it works:

  • Inhale and exhale through lightly closed lips. Imagine you're a horse exhaling or that you’re blowing bubbles underwater. 

  • Do this slowly for 30-60 seconds. Feel the breath move through your lips and vocal cords.

  • Then, vocalize up and down your range, sliding from high to low tones. 

The act of blowing air through your lips gently massages and relaxes your vocal cords. The long exhales also calm your nervous system (bonus!). This primes your voice for power and endurance.

Watch it in action here:


What do you struggle most with when it comes to your voice?

  1. You run out of air

  2. You think you sound "weak" or "childish"

  3. When you're passionate, people think you're yelling at them

  4. Your tone stays too neutral (and a little bit boring)

Comment below and I'll share some more tips with you directly!

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