How to be a Successful Podcast Guest

Has this ever happened to you? You get booked on a podcast. You do the interview. You have a cool freebie on offer. You get ready for the follow-ups and new business to come a-knocking! And then… crickets.

When you nail a podcast interview, it spreads your message to your potential audience. This can have a huge, long-term value for your career and business. [Read: more connections, more work, more income.] But only if you do it right.

If you want to grow an audience of potential clients, customers, or loyal fans through podcast guesting and be the guest who gets invited back again and again, then you need solutions to the top 5 mistakes plaguing podcasters today.

  1. Podcasting is an audio medium… and you’re not using your voice properly. (Hint: laid-back talking or using “NPR voice” guarantees your listeners will tune out.)

  2. You think you’ve prepared… but then it all goes sideways (or - worst of all - it all goes boring). Remember that teacher in high school who made 2/3 of your class fall asleep while the other 1/3 stared glumly out the window? The one who talked on and on, seemingly forgetting there were other people in the room? Let’s learn from their mistakes.

  3. Surprise! You're going to be on YouTube… out of nowhere it's lights, camera, action but your backdrop & lighting are unsophisticated or unflattering.

  4. You show up with the wrong equipment… and the sound quality makes people press “skip” on your episode. Why struggle to hear when there are literally hundreds of other episodes in their feed?

  5. You fall into one of the Podcasting Major Traps… and you miss all the moments that will guarantee your episode is one of your host’s favorites.

Do you want to solve all of these problems in less than an hour?  

Learn How to Be a Successful Podcast Guest. This self-paced online course will teach you what I’ve learned by being a guest on dozens of podcasts: 

  • What to Prepare in Advance

  • How to Look Good on Video

  • How to Sound Your Best

  • 4 Traps to Avoid

  • How to Warm Up Your Breath, Body & Voice

Get all the details here!

How can the right podcast interview done well really grow your business (and income)? There are 465 million podcast listeners worldwide. That’s a lot of potential customers hearing long-form, in depth conversations with you. It’s evergreen content that can be shared in many different formats. A free marketing tool and platform to get your voice heard by new, warm-market leads? Three cheers! 

Can’t wait to hear you on the mic!


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