Preshow Checklist for Online Presentations

A few weeks ago, I shared a preshow checklist for in person public speaking. People loved it and asked for an online version... et voila!

There are so many things that can make a huge difference in the success of an online interview, meeting, or presentation. While we can’t control everything (like people’s inability to mute themselves when their dog inevitably barks at the lawn mower), we can do a lot in advance to make sure our presentations go the way we want.

This checklist can help you go from overwhelmed to grounded, knowing you’re in control of as much as possible. 

Public Speaking Preshow Checklist (online edition) 

  • Lighting: Make sure you are front lit and not back lit.

  • Mic & Headphones: Plug your external mic and headphones into your computer and test your settings.

  • Slides+Tech: Check that your slides are in presentation mode and your screen sharing settings are correct.

  • Background: Make sure you are centered in the camera, looking “up,” and that your background is clean, professional, and tells a story.

  • Moment Before: Do a short breath and mindset exercise to ground your energy.

  • Warm Up: Do your 5-minute vocal and physical warm up.

Save this checklist and use it before any in person speaking opportunity!


Don’t have this all comfortably dialed in? Reach out for a Clarity Call and I’ll talk you through it. 


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