You Have to Warm Up Before You Speak. Seriously.

When people prep to speak in public, most folks miss this crucial point: we, these living, breathing organisms, are our own instrument

Have you ever gone to the symphony? Before the performance begins, all the musicians come out on stage and begin to warm up their instruments. The cacophony of sounds makes it clear: each musician needs something unique in their own warm up

And it’s a simple reminder that even the most seasoned performers understand the necessity of warming up. Yet, when it comes to public speaking, many of us fail to give ourselves the same level of attention and care.

Are you part of the majority who routinely skip any form of warm-up before speaking engagements? Whether it's a podcast appearance or a major presentation, most speakers dive in without taking the time to prepare their most vital instruments: their breath, voice, and body. 

When we forget to breathe properly and warm up our voices, we deprive our voice of the support it needs to convey our message effectively. It's akin to attempting to play a trumpet without properly controlling one's breath – the result is an off-key performance that fails to resonate with the audience.

When we think of bodies as irrelevant, focusing only on our heads (or, like most people, don’t think of our bodies at all), we miss the opportunity for stage presence. And believe me - you can have “stage presence” on a Zoom box.

By treating ourselves as living instruments and taking the time to warm up properly before speaking engagements, we can ensure that our message resonates with clarity and impact.

This is such an important part of speaking, that I created a 35-minute course called Create Your Personalized Public Speaking Warm Up.  I want people to have this important resource, so I’ve set the price point at only $25

Want to approach speaking professionally? Find the unique warm up that works for you and use it - whether you’re speaking to 1 person or 100.

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