Introverts Have Public Speaking Superpowers

In the world of public speaking, introverts often find themselves swimming in uncomfortable waters when they’d rather be sitting dry on land reading a book. The thought of standing in front of a crowd, delivering a speech, or engaging in networking events is wildly uncomfortable.

But what if I told you that being an introvert could actually be your secret speaking superpower?

Over years of coaching, I've noticed something special about introverts: their finely tuned "bullshit meters." Yep… introverts have an innate ability to detect when someone is being insincere or disingenuous. This keen sense of authenticity sets them apart in the world of public speaking.

Where lots of folks will try to pretend to be someone or something they’re not, posturing and peacocking, introverts just… can’t. And that makes them come off as genuine and honest (even if sometimes a little shy and reserved).

The thing we have to tackle is the internal dialogue that accompanies the act of speaking in public. Because this can derail an introvert big time. They tend to be very self-aware (a plus!) but that can lead to them editing themselves in the moment or “turtling” their energy in, losing charisma and appearing less confident (not a plus).

But understanding the root cause of anything is the first step towards overcoming it. Whether it's dissecting the core thread of anxiety or addressing the energetic toll public speaking takes, introverts can leverage their self-awareness to their advantage.

And when it comes to the small speaking moments like good ol’ networking? Well that can be a daunting swim in a sea of extroverted energy. But introverts can manage their own energy by creating small moments of pause, whether it's stepping outside for some air or engaging in some deeper one-on-one conversations.

Ultimately, being an introvert in the world of public speaking isn't a hindrance - it's a superpower waiting to be unleashed. So the next time you find yourself facing a crowd or preparing for a presentation, embrace your authenticity and watch as people lean in (and thank you for not BS-ing them).

I recently live coached two different styles of introverts on the Kickass Career Conversations podcast. Start at minute 11 to listen in!

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You Have to Warm Up Before You Speak. Seriously.


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