Your Brain’s Hidden Superpower
Adriana Baer Adriana Baer

Your Brain’s Hidden Superpower

Discover how neuroplasticity, your brain's superpower, can transform your public speaking and networking skills. Learn to reprogram your mind to associate speaking with excitement instead of anxiety. Tune into this podcast episode of From Your Center to embrace change and boost your confidence and charisma! 🧠✨

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How to Make Thank You Calls (without freaking out)
Adriana Baer Adriana Baer

How to Make Thank You Calls (without freaking out)

Unpopular opinion: the thank you call is likely more important to your organization than the donation was in the first place.

Once upon a time when I was the Executive Artistic Director of a theater company, a very well-meaning older gentleman sent (by real mail!) a check for $50 during our end-of-year campaign…. Read on to hear how we turned that $50 into thousands.

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Quick Tool to Release Anxiety
Adriana Baer Adriana Baer

Quick Tool to Release Anxiety

When you’re about to head into a meeting or a presentation, what happens to your body? Does your heart rate increase? Do you shut down? This tool can help… in less than a minute.

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