Cracking the Code of Colleague Communication

Are you having a hard time communicating with somebody that you work with? Or maybe *every* time you talk to that one board member, you leave the room feeling like you were speaking two different languages?

Here’s a super quick tip for a super complicated issue. 

Instead of thinking about how you need to say something, think about how they need to receive something. 

Each of us has our own unique language, metaphorically speaking. We all need to hear things in a particular way in order for it to make sense to our brains. So instead of thinking about the content of your message to this person, think about the method of delivery. 

Are they a super visual person? Would showing them a set of images help here? 

Are they somebody who, instead of hearing something, needs to read it in order to really process it?

Are they the kind of person who does better sitting over a cup of coffee and chatting?

Now here’s the part that takes the most courage: to find out the answer to the above questions, you may have to directly ask them. But asking someone what they need in order to thrive is an act of generosity.

And figuring this out can change the communication game.

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Introverts Have Public Speaking Superpowers


No more faking it till you make it. Let’s do courage instead.