Your Brain’s Hidden Superpower
Adriana Baer Adriana Baer

Your Brain’s Hidden Superpower

Discover how neuroplasticity, your brain's superpower, can transform your public speaking and networking skills. Learn to reprogram your mind to associate speaking with excitement instead of anxiety. Tune into this podcast episode of From Your Center to embrace change and boost your confidence and charisma! 🧠✨

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Break Up with Imposter Syndrome
Adriana Baer Adriana Baer

Break Up with Imposter Syndrome

Ever felt like an imposter in your own success? Join me on a journey from self-doubt to self-assurance as I share my own battle with imposter syndrome. Discover the three-point system I developed to break free from doubt and embrace confidence.

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Cracking the Code of Colleague Communication
Adriana Baer Adriana Baer

Cracking the Code of Colleague Communication

Are you having a hard time communicating with someone you work with? Or maybe *every* time you talk to that one board member, you leave the room feeling like you were speaking two different languages?

Instead of thinking about how you need to say something, think about how they need to receive something.

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Quick Tool to Release Anxiety
Adriana Baer Adriana Baer

Quick Tool to Release Anxiety

When you’re about to head into a meeting or a presentation, what happens to your body? Does your heart rate increase? Do you shut down? This tool can help… in less than a minute.

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Finding Your Confidence Style
Adriana Baer Adriana Baer

Finding Your Confidence Style

When we try to “put on” a personality that isn’t authentically us, we feel uncomfortable, look uncomfortable, and project discomfort. When we’re not sure how to stand in our own grounded confidence… it’s like wearing brand new shoes for the first time. If you're out there representing your business or company in the world, you're going to need a mirror.

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