How I Got Through
Adriana Baer Adriana Baer

How I Got Through

I remember the day I realized I had completely burned out. I was sobbing in my office during final rehearsals for a production I was directing while I looked at budgets and answered emails from the board… all while knowing I was experiencing a pregnancy loss. What saved me? Vulnerably sharing and speaking up.

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Playing "You" Onstage: Tools for Authentic Speaking
Adriana Baer Adriana Baer

Playing "You" Onstage: Tools for Authentic Speaking

Playing a role on stage or screen is often easier than “playing the role” of yourself. One of the things that makes public speaking hard is that you’re trying to be not a character, but yourself. Which requires vulnerability and courage. Read on for tools you can use to practice showing up authentically.

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Introverts Have Public Speaking Superpowers
Adriana Baer Adriana Baer

Introverts Have Public Speaking Superpowers

In the world of public speaking, introverts possess a unique superpower: their finely tuned authenticity radar. Despite discomfort, introverts' genuine nature stands out, making them effective communicators. By understanding and leveraging their self-awareness, introverts can excel in presentations and networking, revealing their perceived weakness to be a strength.

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