GOAL: More Practice, Less Perfect

My favorite fitness instructor Marilyn taught her 2,000th class on Saturday. It was surprisingly emotional to be there to witness this milestone (and unsurprisingly a serious a**-kicking of a class!).

While I was doing what felt like my 9 millionth burpee, I was thinking about what repetition really yields. (Yes I was literally thinking about this blog while doing pushups - you’re welcome. 😂)

In Marilyn, we get this really great example of what it means to become better at something. She is so comfortable in her skin as a teacher - having become an “expert” at this thing she does - that she’s able to show up as herself in a really beautiful way.

She brings humility, humor, self-awareness, and gratitude to her practice. She makes mistakes all the time and points them out so we can all learn and feel like part of a community. She’s got a willingness to try new things and throw them out if they don’t work.  

As she becomes more and more experienced, she actually becomes less and less worried about “perfection.” Which makes her a better teacher. And because she’s showing up as her messy self, she allows us to do the same. 

In her presence, I’m willing to try something and not be “good” at it … and because of that I’m getting much stronger. 

And yes - there’s a metaphor for public speaking in here 😉. I often hear from speakers that their goal is “practice makes perfect.” To not make mistakes anymore, to show up as the expert and have everyone see them as flawless. 

But it’s not. 

What I see with Marilyn - and what I bring into my coaching practice - is that in reality, the goal of repetition and practice is to be able to show up as more you. This is why I walk my clients through exercises that strengthen the underused muscles of vulnerability and candor. Because then, the audience can see themselves in you. They feel connected to you and therefore listen more. Their outcomes are better so they keep coming back to you. Again and again.

So I want to know: what are you getting good at the messy way? Comment below so I can celebrate your milestones, too!

To your realness!

ps. This was posted on Marilyn’s Instagram page. Take it as inspiration if it hits and fill in whatever word you want where “fitness” is. We’re just meatsuits stuffed full of stardust—keep [fitness] fun, and stay magical, babes.

A bunch of sweaty, happy, real humans with real human bodies and real human flaws.


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