How to Make Thank You Calls (without freaking out)
Adriana Baer Adriana Baer

How to Make Thank You Calls (without freaking out)

Unpopular opinion: the thank you call is likely more important to your organization than the donation was in the first place.

Once upon a time when I was the Executive Artistic Director of a theater company, a very well-meaning older gentleman sent (by real mail!) a check for $50 during our end-of-year campaign…. Read on to hear how we turned that $50 into thousands.

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How to Rock Your EOY Appeal
Adriana Baer Adriana Baer

How to Rock Your EOY Appeal

If you’re on staff at a nonprofit or you sit on a board, this time of year is often about preparing an end-of-fiscal-year appeal. This 4-minute video explains why personal storytelling is the most effective tool in your fundraising toolkit.

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What public speakers can learn from actors and performers
Adriana Baer Adriana Baer

What public speakers can learn from actors and performers

If you're someone who wants to grow your career, you need to speak up and speak out. But when your expertise isn't public speaking but... oh, I don't know... your actual job, then you might see this as a roadblock to success. You need some concrete tools!

Here are some of the skills actors use that any speaker can start to practice.

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Playing "You" Onstage: Tools for Authentic Speaking
Adriana Baer Adriana Baer

Playing "You" Onstage: Tools for Authentic Speaking

Playing a role on stage or screen is often easier than “playing the role” of yourself. One of the things that makes public speaking hard is that you’re trying to be not a character, but yourself. Which requires vulnerability and courage. Read on for tools you can use to practice showing up authentically.

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Break Up with Imposter Syndrome
Adriana Baer Adriana Baer

Break Up with Imposter Syndrome

Ever felt like an imposter in your own success? Join me on a journey from self-doubt to self-assurance as I share my own battle with imposter syndrome. Discover the three-point system I developed to break free from doubt and embrace confidence.

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Time Constraints = Creativity
Adriana Baer Adriana Baer

Time Constraints = Creativity

Do you get “repetition fatigue” from recording videos or posts over and over again? Creating structure to unlock creative freedom is actually quite simple… and extremely effective.

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Finding Your Confidence Style
Adriana Baer Adriana Baer

Finding Your Confidence Style

When we try to “put on” a personality that isn’t authentically us, we feel uncomfortable, look uncomfortable, and project discomfort. When we’re not sure how to stand in our own grounded confidence… it’s like wearing brand new shoes for the first time. If you're out there representing your business or company in the world, you're going to need a mirror.

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What “Impact Makers” Can Learn from Actors
Adriana Baer Adriana Baer

What “Impact Makers” Can Learn from Actors

If you're someone who wants to grow your career, you need to speak up and speak out. But when your expertise isn't public speaking but... oh, I don't know... your actual job, then you need some concrete tools to get you started.

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