You DON’T need public speaking coaching if…

Do you know if you need expert public speaking coaching? You might not. 

  • Do you try to memorize a script?

  • Is your audience silent during your presentation?

  • Do you spend the majority of your prep time on your content or visuals?

  • Do you get thrown off by unexpected tech challenges or interruptions?

  • Do your body language and vocal patterns bely your confidence and expertise?

  • Do you battle (or obsess over) the clock?

  • Does your opening or closing fall flat?

If you answered yes or “I’m not sure” to 2+ of these, congratulations! You’re totally normal. Most people who speak think they’re pretty ok, but when they get into some training, they realize they have HUGE potential that they haven’t activated yet.

So I’ve got a gift for you.

On a FREE 30-minute Clarity Call, I’ll help crack the code of your unique public speaking persona and give you a tailored set of exercises to uplevel your presentation skills. 

Book your Clarity Call here and we’ll get you captivating rooms and having people on the edge of their seats until they jump to their feet to give you that coveted standing ovation.

ps. Not sure if you need this? That's ok! I love connecting with people, so book a call anyway ;) 


GOAL: More Practice, Less Perfect


Beyond “Once Upon a Time”