Want your message to land? Focus on your body.
How do you get better at speaking about something you’re passionate about? The secret has nothing to do with practicing words or getting the script just right (surprise!).
Top 5 Mistakes Podcast Guests Make (and what to do about it)
If you want to grow an audience of potential clients, customers, or loyal fans through podcast guesting & be the guest who gets invited back again and again, then you need solutions to the top 5 mistakes plaguing podcast guests today.
465 Million Reasons You Need to Be a Podcast Guest
Why is being a guest on podcasts for everyone? And why should it be an integral part of your business development, marketing, or personal branding plan? If you’re not thinking about it yet, you’re going to be.
What “Impact Makers” Can Learn from Actors
If you're someone who wants to grow your career, you need to speak up and speak out. But when your expertise isn't public speaking but... oh, I don't know... your actual job, then you need some concrete tools to get you started.
Boost Your Vocal Power in 1 Minute
The power and clarity of your voice is one of your most important tools. But even experienced speakers deal with vocal fatigue or anxiety. The good news is there's a quick way to get your voice ready for important presentations, video calls, or speeches.
“That sucked.” Making Friends with Your Inner Critic
Befriending our inner voice and rewiring it into a source of encouragement rather than criticism can guide us to more ease, joy, and success in both work and life.
Practicing your authentic voice by grabbing what’s on your bedside table [Video]
An easy, fast, and low-stakes way to practice sharing your authentic voice online.